Information and resources about September 11 – Brook Peters’ website
9/11 Young Adults Network – an organization for young adults who were affected by 9/11
9/11 Health Now – A non-profit organization that is dedicated to health, hope and healing within the 9/11 community. The organization provides support, information and services to the community.
Beyond Ground Zero Network – A group of community-based organizations that address the health and economic impact of the World Trade Center’s collapse on Lower Manhattan’s low-income communities, especially among immigrants in Chinatown and the Lower East Side.
NYC Department of Health – A public information site developed by the New York City Department of Health to provide the latest information about scientific research and services for people who may have health problems related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
9/11 Environmental Action – 9/11 Environmental Action seeks to help members of the lower Manhattan community who were physically and/or emotionally affected by the environmental impacts of 9/11.
September 11 Families Association – An associationthat supports victims of terrorism through communication, representation and peer support.
Peaceful Tomorrow – An organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who are working to turn grief into action for peace.
Asthma Moms – A network of families sharing answers for managing their children’s asthma.
If you would like to add your organization to the list, please fill out the contact form below.